Below are the instructions to the Mixed Media Mini Kit which is our Blue Dot Special in this weeks newsletter:
Place the Damask mask on your canvas.
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Apply some of the indian yellow paint over the mask. I used a dry brush which means no water and using very little paint on the paint brush so it was not very wet.
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Mask lifted off
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I then used my paint brush to lightly brush over the area and disperse the paint while still keeping the damask image.
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Cut a waved strip of the polka dot paper
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Apply some to the top and bottom of the canvas
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While the canvas is drying, draw some circles on the back of the text paper using your paint pots for a template
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Use a watercolour pencil or ink to edge the circles
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I then applied a swipe of white paint over my canvas to dull down the background. I used my finger to lightly apply the layer
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Use the Technique Tuesday stamps to create a stem for your flower. I did not mount the stamp on to anything but instead just inked it up and pressed it down using my finger. Because the canvas is pliable it is difficult to use a stamping block.
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Adhere the circles to the top of your stamped ‘stems’
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Use a watercolour pencil to shadow around the edges of the polka dot paper.
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Use the arrow stamp from the Technique Tuesday sheet at the top of the canvas
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Roughly draw some loose petals on the flowers
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Use the viridian green paint to paint a base layer of the petals
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Use some white paint with the green to create a variety of greens to add to the petals for additional layers of colour
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Write the word ‘bloom’
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I used a white Xfine sharpie to draw stitches around the petals. Use the watercolour pencil to define the edges of the petals and flower centre to bring the shapes together.
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I used some sandpaper to lightly sand over the word bloom so it looked more worn and not as stark
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Paint around the edges of the canvas with black paint. Completed canvas!
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